Bad Breath

There are many causes of bad breath, but the effects are usually the same. You feel self-conscious when standing near other people, or you are too embarrassed to kiss your romantic partner. If your bad breath is severe, you may even avoid social situations altogether. The medical term for bad breath is halitosis, and it can happen to anyone. Understanding the causes of bad breath is the first step toward finding a solution.

The following tips can help you regain your confidence and put an end to bad breath:

Brush and Floss Daily – Bacteria-laden dental plaque is one of the most common causes of breath odour. To keep your teeth clean, brush at least twice a day, and floss or clean interdentally every day. If you have problem breath, brush more often.

Clean Your Tongue – Bacteria and residual food debris in the coating that covers your tongue’s surface can produce unpleasant odours. Brush your tongue gently with your toothbrush, or use a tongue scraper.

Use Mouthwash – Rinse with an anti-bacterial mouthwash after brushing to kill odour-causing germs. Swishing with plain water after you eat can also help improve your breath by washing away food particles.

Avoid Foods That are Causes of Bad Breath – Onions and garlic leave odours behind for hours, and brushing after you eat them doesn’t help much. Skip eating strong-smelling foods before a social engagement.

Drink Plenty of Water – A dry mouth is due to inadequate saliva production is one of the causes of bad breath. Drink plenty of plain water to keep hydrated.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum – Replace mints with sugarless gum to stimulate saliva production, which combats plaque acids and helps keep your mouth cleaner and fresher.

Stop Smoking – Smoking causes bad halitosis, stains teeth, causes respiratory problems, and increases your risk of cancer and heart disease.

Get Treatment for Gum Disease – Periodontal disease causes breath odour when bacteria accumulate in the pockets at the base of your teeth. If you have severe gum disease, see a periodontist for treatment.

If there is no improvement to your bad breath despite your efforts, report your symptoms to your doctor. Halitosis can be caused by medical conditions such as diabetes or gastrointestinal problems.

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